All right; this is for everyone who is still yet to play the game on their PC or any console, the typing below are the button sequences I remember for the game, I'll type them as I set my controls:
#Mad Bomber 1 (The starting of the game mission):
#Mad Bomber 2:
Follow the sequence you are giving to disarm bombs, for the first multi layered bomb you unlock keep pressing directional button's as pointed then press the button on the nail to remove it.
#Mad Bomber 4:
To eject the blowing factory at the end of the mission: Z,X,V,Z
#Mad Bomber 5:
.After disarming the first bomb: X, C
.After disarming the second bomb: Z, V, X
#Lizard 2:
.start from the beginning of the belt and on forward when you catch the Lizard then press Z rapidly, keep pressing Q so the rapid pressing on the jump button would be more effective or the Lizard will be the major pain.
.After pinning the head of the Lizard on the three grinders press: Z, Q, Z, V and you'll fight the Lizard in the arena you throw him in
.After brutally beating the Lizard and you have to jump: Z, V, Z, A, V, Down
#Scorpion 1:
.To avoid the arms from hitting you: Z,X,C
#Scorpion 2:
.Dodging security laser: Z,Left,Right,Down,Z
.After defeating Scorpion in the facility: Z,X,C
.To let Scorpion knock down the control tower on the bridge after destroying the portions on the side: Z,X,Z,Q
#Dewolff 3:
.After Jumping on top of the car you must save her from press: Z,V,C
#Symbiote Spider-Man vs Sandman:
.Sequence 1: X,C,V,Z (Sandman always hits me after I press Z, at least he goes to the lower train tracks)
.Sequence 2: Z,Z,Right,V,A,C
.Sequence 3: X,Right,Up,V,C,X,V,C
#KingPin 2:
.When you knock him off after defeating the three gang leaders: Z, X,C,X,Right,C,left,X,Right,C,V,Up
#Lizard 3:
*Before Battles:-
.Sequence 1: X or C (it differs from time to time), Z (two buttons twice)
.Sequence 2: X, Z, C, V
*During battles:-
.Sequence 1: C,Z,C,Z
.Sequence 2: X,Z,C
.Sequence 3: X,Z,V
.After webbing the Mega Lizard 4 times and knocking the 4 generators using him and almost defeating him: Up,X,Down,C,(Repeatedly) Left & Right, A
#Scorpion 3:
.When Scorpion wrings his tail on Rhino: Down,Z,Up,X,V,Z,V
#Grand Finale:
Using Harry:
1. Down, Left Shift, left, Right, Down, X, Left, A
2. Left, X, Right, X, A, Up, A
3. Left, Right, Left, Space, Down, Up, Space, Down
.Up, Z, Left, Z, (after Spider-Man standz on the ground) Z, V, Q, X, Q, C, A
Buttons Functions:
A: Web Swing
Z: Jump
X: Quick Attack
C: Strong Attack
V: Web Shoot/Wall Crawl
S: Power Attacks
D: Camera Use
Q: Dodge
1: Spider-Sense
A: Pumpkin Bomb
Z: Use Glider
X: Sword Quick Attack
C: Sword Power Attack
Left Shift: Turbo Speed
Space: Target lock
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Sunday, 21 December 2008
A.K.A "Guilty Gear X2", a very fine fighting (beat 'em up) game I enjoy very much that I used the picture of the namesake character "Frederick a.k.a "Sol Badguy"" and placed his name under my user name (replacing bad with good) in both CBR & Toonzone forums.
This game is a sequel for two previous games "Guilty Gear 1998" & "Guilty Gear X", the story is about gears & humans living in the same world, the Gears are powerful beings created by humans and are incredibly powerful, one of the Gears is named "That Man", this gear caused a holy war between humans & Gears that lasted for over a 100 year now this Gear regrets what he has done.
Some humans formed the "Holy Knights", an organization meant to battle Gears during the holy war between Humans & Gears, this organization was disbanded and after 5 years of being disbanded its second leader; a French kid now 21 years old "Ky Kiske" joined the "International Police Force".
Ky holds one of the sacred weapons of the "Holy Knights" which allows him to control lightining, this weapon and other weapons were created by "Order Sol", the name "Sol Badguy" used to be known as when he was in the organization of the "Holy Knights", this police officer is a rival of Sol and he is annoyed by the fact that Sol doesn't use his full strength in fighting.
"Sol Badguy" is a bounty hunter & a prototype gear who sworn to destroy gears, he allows a humanoid gear "Dizzy" to live because she is of no threat to humans.
This game is a sequel for two previous games "Guilty Gear 1998" & "Guilty Gear X", the story is about gears & humans living in the same world, the Gears are powerful beings created by humans and are incredibly powerful, one of the Gears is named "That Man", this gear caused a holy war between humans & Gears that lasted for over a 100 year now this Gear regrets what he has done.
Some humans formed the "Holy Knights", an organization meant to battle Gears during the holy war between Humans & Gears, this organization was disbanded and after 5 years of being disbanded its second leader; a French kid now 21 years old "Ky Kiske" joined the "International Police Force".
Ky holds one of the sacred weapons of the "Holy Knights" which allows him to control lightining, this weapon and other weapons were created by "Order Sol", the name "Sol Badguy" used to be known as when he was in the organization of the "Holy Knights", this police officer is a rival of Sol and he is annoyed by the fact that Sol doesn't use his full strength in fighting.
"Sol Badguy" is a bounty hunter & a prototype gear who sworn to destroy gears, he allows a humanoid gear "Dizzy" to live because she is of no threat to humans.
Sunday, 30 November 2008
This is one of my all time favorite games either from Activision releases or generally, I first played the first game of this series in my cousins house when it was new and really enjoyed it so later I bought it for the PS1, the best fun you can have if you like to skateboard but afraid of performing stunts in reality.
Since the title holds the name of "Tony Hawk" then one has to know that Tony is the first character in the selectable list, for those who don't know this great dude search for him on the internet or watch sports channels.
You may select four other characters in the PS1 games, there are several kinds of boards and the types of wheels you can skate on. The more missions you complete/goals you achieve/Scores you gain the more areas you can unlock, but some areas need medals to be unlocked with.
Give any game in this series a shot and you definitely won't regret it, at least you hopefully won't regret this action (I love "PS2 Spider-Man 3" and I love "Batman & Robin movie", but I still love good things too much more than I like the bad stuff)
Monday, 24 November 2008
SPIDER-MAN 3: PS2/Nintendo Wii
Over a year has passed since the game was released and the players gave most of their opinions on the game, the most noticable and published opinions indicate that the release of this version of the game was too soon because it is a bland mix of bad visuals and horrible game play, should they waited at least a few more months they could have released a better game instead of publishing a half-baked game.
The story in short has its coheision, it isn't that weak, the weak spots in this game plot is the role of Sandman in the final stage; how he got convinced to it by Venom to destroy Spider-Man and the fact that Harry jumped from the hospital after seeing spidey fight's Sandman remembering that Peter is Spider-Man ignoring that he wanted to kill him.
Short version of the story: [Spider-Man saves people from Carlyles burning building, later he sings M.J home after a date in Central Park then fight's Harry. In his apartment Peter is in his spidey duds unmasked on his bed and the symbiote get's all over him getting him hanging upside down on a building and battles some of the Apokalypse gang then he goes to Dr. Connors to examine the suit for him but seeing he became the Lizard, Spider-Man chases the Lizard to the sewers and on his way he saves some of his victims. In the sewers Spider-Man chases the Lizard and the Lizard escape after a fight. Spider-Man finds Kraven trying to kill the Lizard but he fights him and cages him then goes to Dr. Connors who transforms himself into a mega lizard, the Lizard is forced to hit the active generators to electrocute himself and spidey throws him on a subway trail to finish the job but gets frightened about what he did then takes Connors to the hospital.
Spider-Man goes to the Bugle and gets a job of photographing a Vampire, at night Spidey goes to ESU where the vamp is spotted and takes a picture of him then sends the picture to the Bugle. A later time Spider-Man checks on Dr. Connors in the hospital then goes back to the "Daily Bugle" and finds the "Mad Bomber" capturing Jonah, Spider-Man defeats the bomber and saves Jonah Jameson.
Before fighting the Sandman, Peter takes images of himself scaring a tourist while web-swinging carrying him then he goes to defeat Eddie Brock as an imposter Spider-Man and cause him to get fired.] It'll take too long to type the rest of the story so I stopped at this point.
The graphix looks like the belong to a cheap PC game, even the graphix of the PS1 original games are better than this one.
The combat style is weak compared to Ultimate Spider-Man & Spider-Man 2 (these 2 games has great combat style) and it is too linear.
Side missions are good, at first I liked to deliver delicious fruit pies but that mission became too dull over the time so I dropped it.
the looks of the people to be rescued are no more than three, but that doesn't actually bother me.
Over all rating: 7/10
The story in short has its coheision, it isn't that weak, the weak spots in this game plot is the role of Sandman in the final stage; how he got convinced to it by Venom to destroy Spider-Man and the fact that Harry jumped from the hospital after seeing spidey fight's Sandman remembering that Peter is Spider-Man ignoring that he wanted to kill him.
Short version of the story: [Spider-Man saves people from Carlyles burning building, later he sings M.J home after a date in Central Park then fight's Harry. In his apartment Peter is in his spidey duds unmasked on his bed and the symbiote get's all over him getting him hanging upside down on a building and battles some of the Apokalypse gang then he goes to Dr. Connors to examine the suit for him but seeing he became the Lizard, Spider-Man chases the Lizard to the sewers and on his way he saves some of his victims. In the sewers Spider-Man chases the Lizard and the Lizard escape after a fight. Spider-Man finds Kraven trying to kill the Lizard but he fights him and cages him then goes to Dr. Connors who transforms himself into a mega lizard, the Lizard is forced to hit the active generators to electrocute himself and spidey throws him on a subway trail to finish the job but gets frightened about what he did then takes Connors to the hospital.
Spider-Man goes to the Bugle and gets a job of photographing a Vampire, at night Spidey goes to ESU where the vamp is spotted and takes a picture of him then sends the picture to the Bugle. A later time Spider-Man checks on Dr. Connors in the hospital then goes back to the "Daily Bugle" and finds the "Mad Bomber" capturing Jonah, Spider-Man defeats the bomber and saves Jonah Jameson.
Before fighting the Sandman, Peter takes images of himself scaring a tourist while web-swinging carrying him then he goes to defeat Eddie Brock as an imposter Spider-Man and cause him to get fired.] It'll take too long to type the rest of the story so I stopped at this point.
The graphix looks like the belong to a cheap PC game, even the graphix of the PS1 original games are better than this one.
The combat style is weak compared to Ultimate Spider-Man & Spider-Man 2 (these 2 games has great combat style) and it is too linear.
Side missions are good, at first I liked to deliver delicious fruit pies but that mission became too dull over the time so I dropped it.
the looks of the people to be rescued are no more than three, but that doesn't actually bother me.
Over all rating: 7/10
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Street Fighter games are some of the best fighting games since the dawn of VideoGames, I'm cutting the first game out because it is soo boring.
Check this funny video.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
I have 3 versions of it:
1. PS1 version: This is the only one I didn't download, and it's the only good one
2. N64 version: I have this game on emulator, the problems are that I must reset the emulator so the picture would be more than just half the screen, the movies are available in sound only, the sounds get scratchy within the game, and when the volume goes mute this means when the camera angle will move the game will get jammed
3. The PC version: It works perfectly fine as long as you don't save in it, when I save the save file immediately gets broken and the game shuts down forcing me to install it once more so I can't play game B and meet Mr.X (I already said I downloaded the PC version)
Thinking more about the two scenario's: A & B, and the relativity of them to the characters I find it more passable to believe senario A happens for Claire and Scenario B happens to Leon, the more I play the bigger sense I find in my thought.
Leon A & Claire B:
1. Sherry gets lost from Claire but isn't found by her father to bed the embrio in his kid
2. Annete tells a spy on the company the origin of the monster hunting the sewers and how her husband worked on the monsters engine
3. When Claire goes to the telefrik Leon used it doesn't have holes in it, Claires go after Leon departures using it and Mr. Birkin pierces the top of it
4. Claire leaves Sherry in the elevator to Umbrella alone when the monster might strike at her (Sherry) when she's alone
5. Ada falls a pretty high distance then shows up to hand Claire a rocket launcher (she lives, finds a rocket launcher and hands it to a stranger?)
Claire A & Leon B:
1. In the first cutscene Leon is on the side of the car closer to the police station
2. It is Claire who actually finds Mr. Kendo since he was supposed to help her counterpart in the cancelled version of the game (Marvin I can understand meeting Claire though he was meant to help Leon in the cancelled version)
3. It makes more sense to see Brian Irons fed with the embrio before exposing his true self to Claire
4. Still don't get it, but telling someone who is trying to save your kid from her father the reason why the father is hunting her down is more reasonable than telling the enemy.
5. Ada still gets fatally injured but survives, at least it makes more sense to her giving Leon the R.Launcher and meeting him later in "Resident Evil 4"
The game is very well balanced between monsters and puzzles.
I love the arrange mode (In scenario A you only need the R.Launcher twice when fighting William Birkin, in scenario B there is a heavier need for the rocket launcher)
I used to look at the game with 'uggh' at first, but it grew on me more than the current art style of "John Romita jr". This game was and still is a perfect 5 stars game.
Wonder how the remake for the "Nintendo Wii" is going to be like, sure it will have better graphics but will it stay great?
An awesome game, very good plot and nicely executed levels except one which I'll talk about in some time.
[Mike is a rookie gangster but a handy muscle-man (not Power-Man; he's nothing like Luke Cage), his partner Vinnie prepairs some stuff so they can flee the country but Vinnie dies in a bombed car. Looking for clues to who killed his partner to have his vengeance he works under employment of several people:
1. 8-Ball: The car bombs expert
2. Jonnie: A fat Bar-Tender who gets killed b4 Mike goes to battle King Courtney
3. King Courtney: Jamaican gang leader
4. Cisco: Directed by King Courtney to kill this Columbian guy, Mike believes his target and works for him
5. Asuka: A slutty leader of the Yakuza Mike works for starting with saving her niece he kidnapped
Mike is a real fool to believe in these many and work with them.
After leaving Asuka Mike finally finds the man he was looking for in a long time: His old Partner Vinnie himself. Mike kills Vinnie and gets the $10,000 he had.
Mike kills King Courtney and an army of his gangsters, then fleds Vice City to Columbia leaving the gangsters wanting him behind.]
The missionss are good to play except one to kill some thugs of King Courtney before heading to his house and kill him, you only have 4 minutes to play that stage when you require 4:30 minutes, what lousiness.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
There are 3 BATMAN games for the GBA console:

Gmepad Control: A=Jump, B=Attack, L=Select Projectile, R=Use Projectile. 4 stars

(The designs for the characters in these 2 video games are based on their design in the Animated Series) Rise of Zen Tsu feels more advanced in music, Vengeance music feels like that of GBC so I give it 3.5 stars
Gmepad Control: A=Jump, B=Attack, L=Select Projectile, R=Use Projectile. 4 stars
(The designs for the characters in these 2 video games are based on their design in the Animated Series) Rise of Zen Tsu feels more advanced in music, Vengeance music feels like that of GBC so I give it 3.5 stars
*BATMAN BEGINS (based on the 2005 movie)
This one is the best Batman videogame on this console, I'm not a big fan of EA games designs but I loved this game they built.
5 stars
Friday, 12 September 2008
You know this game? Good.
You love this game? Great.
You don't know about it? I'm so sorry to hear about that, you don't know what you're missing.
OK kiddies and newbies, to the front of the class.As a fan of Castlevania; I strongly advise you to play this game, it is one of the greatest creations in the history of Video Games.
Synopsis: "It is the year 2035 a.d, exchange student Soma Cruz heads with his friend "Mina Hakuba, the daughter of a shrine priest" in Japan to the shrine she usually goes to, this time they entered the area they least expected; "the lunar eclipse", the location where the real castle of Dracula is sealed in. Soma meats some people and gain alliance with, what a certain agent "Genya Arikado" sees how Soma absorbed a soul of one of the monsters which attacked him he suspected a secret within the young man, a very dark secret Soma Cruz must uncover by himself to save himself and his friends"
Most of the 2D Castlevania video games are played by characters with linear attacks, either by a vampire slaying whip or a spear, you need heart emblems you can collect to recharge your magic power.
This game is different in the following points:
1. You can change your weapon and body armor
2. You gain upgrades hidden you need to release to use them
3. You can control spirits of the monsters you defeat to use for your own good
4. Your MP recharges automatically but slowly, you can still take hearts to quicken up the MP increase
5. Finish the game and open a new saving file typing "Julius" to play with "Julius Belmont" the vampire hunter
6. Finish the game the good ending and you'll unlock "Boss Rush Mode" & "Sound Test", the soundtracks are very catchy and highly pleasing
. So far this is my favorite Castlevania game; I rate it with a perfect 10.
. If you can't find it solo then buy the Castlevania Double pack, it is there with a previous Castlevania game.
. The sequel to this game "Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows" is available for the Nintendo DS, I strongly recommend it
Thursday, 11 September 2008
I'm one of those who like Atari classic series, I was born when they were new and I still enjoy them, so it isn't surprising to see someone like this enjoying Gameboy Advance and calling it great fun.
If someone consider this a bad console he/she should start playing the colorless classic version; brick sized Gameboy using 4 batteries at once with a green screen or the improved minimized version using 2 of the smaller sized batteries "Gameboy Pocket"
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