Over a year has passed since the game was released and the players gave most of their opinions on the game, the most noticable and published opinions indicate that the release of this version of the game was too soon because it is a bland mix of bad visuals and horrible game play, should they waited at least a few more months they could have released a better game instead of publishing a half-baked game.
The story in short has its coheision, it isn't that weak, the weak spots in this game plot is the role of Sandman in the final stage; how he got convinced to it by Venom to destroy Spider-Man and the fact that Harry jumped from the hospital after seeing spidey fight's Sandman remembering that Peter is Spider-Man ignoring that he wanted to kill him.
Short version of the story: [Spider-Man saves people from Carlyles burning building, later he sings M.J home after a date in Central Park then fight's Harry. In his apartment Peter is in his spidey duds unmasked on his bed and the symbiote get's all over him getting him hanging upside down on a building and battles some of the Apokalypse gang then he goes to Dr. Connors to examine the suit for him but seeing he became the Lizard, Spider-Man chases the Lizard to the sewers and on his way he saves some of his victims. In the sewers Spider-Man chases the Lizard and the Lizard escape after a fight. Spider-Man finds Kraven trying to kill the Lizard but he fights him and cages him then goes to Dr. Connors who transforms himself into a mega lizard, the Lizard is forced to hit the active generators to electrocute himself and spidey throws him on a subway trail to finish the job but gets frightened about what he did then takes Connors to the hospital.
Spider-Man goes to the Bugle and gets a job of photographing a Vampire, at night Spidey goes to ESU where the vamp is spotted and takes a picture of him then sends the picture to the Bugle. A later time Spider-Man checks on Dr. Connors in the hospital then goes back to the "Daily Bugle" and finds the "Mad Bomber" capturing Jonah, Spider-Man defeats the bomber and saves Jonah Jameson.
Before fighting the Sandman, Peter takes images of himself scaring a tourist while web-swinging carrying him then he goes to defeat Eddie Brock as an imposter Spider-Man and cause him to get fired.] It'll take too long to type the rest of the story so I stopped at this point.
The graphix looks like the belong to a cheap PC game, even the graphix of the PS1 original games are better than this one.
The combat style is weak compared to Ultimate Spider-Man & Spider-Man 2 (these 2 games has great combat style) and it is too linear.
Side missions are good, at first I liked to deliver delicious fruit pies but that mission became too dull over the time so I dropped it.
the looks of the people to be rescued are no more than three, but that doesn't actually bother me.
Over all rating: 7/10